The Ministry of Business; With Chad Roach


On todays episode, Eric and Laurie sit down with kingdom serial entrepreneur Chad Roach for a great conversation about business, Kingdom economics, and the ministry of business.


About Chad

Homeschooled his entire life, Chad graduated at the age of 16. For his higher education, Chad studied at Oak Brook College of Law and was mentored for six years by Kevin Swanson – Director of Generations with Vision and host of Generations Radio. Chad started his first sales business at the age of 17. Since then, Chad has started multiple companies in various fields including credit card processing, pre-paid payment cards, venture capital, precious metals and asset investments. Now at the age of 24, Chad makes a full-time income from his businesses and continues to spend much of his free time working and learning in ministry and church.

Connect with Chad



Listen to full episode :


The Spiritual Art of Business; With Barry and Linda Rowan


The intersection of wealth and contentment; with Rachel McDonough